[wpo_company_info title=»Contact information» photo=»315″ link=»https://sonar.no/en/kontakt-oss/» text_link=»Konta»]

Grenseveien 107a 0663 Oslo
T + 47 23 00 70 20



about-sidebarOur goal is to promote a healthy work environment that provides an opportunity for growth and well-being for all employees, all the while avoiding occupational injuries and illnesses. The working conditions must be in accordance with the Working Environment Act and associated regulations, as well as ensure a good working environment.

A thoroughly prepared health and safety policy, specific goals and a clear strategy is the basis for all HSE activities within Sonar AS.

As an employee through Sonar AS, you will receive an HSE handbook where you will find all relevant information about our HSE system.